Can Red Light Therapy Increase Testosterone Levels Safely and Naturally?

Testosterone is an important hormone for both men and women, and its levels can be tricky to maintain. Fortunately, red light therapy is a promising way to increase testosterone naturally, safely and with virtually no side effects. Before we get into how red light therapy can help, let's take a look at why testosterone is so important. Testosterone is a hormone that plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as the testes and prostate. It also helps to regulate sex drive, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, and the production of red blood cells.

Low testosterone levels can lead to a variety of health issues, including decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, depression, and decreased muscle mass. Unfortunately, some marketers and pseudo-experts tend to exaggerate research results beyond what the data actually shows. There is no evidence that red light therapy is a cure for low testosterone levels. However, numerous studies have supported the idea that phototherapy can increase testosterone levels. In addition, red and near-infrared light is considered safe for use, even when directed at the testicles. Red light stimulates energy production in Leydig cells, which are the cells responsible for producing testosterone.

Enhanced energy production in Leydig cells is believed to help naturally increase testosterone production and restore age-appropriate (or better) testosterone levels. Some animal studies have found an increase in testosterone after using low-level laser therapy. Although there are currently no FDA-approved phototherapy devices to increase testosterone production, there are devices available online that don't need FDA clearance. However, they are usually marketed for aesthetic reasons (for example, skin rejuvenation). There are men who use these devices very successfully by directly illuminating their testicles. The adrenal glands also produce small amounts of male testosterone, which can also be treated with red and NIR wavelengths.

Applying red light to the lower back will ensure that the adrenal glands receive the benefits of treatment. Using red light to boost testosterone levels is one of the many “biohacks” circulating on the Internet right now and promising to restore your energy and sexual health to your previous years. While more studies are needed on the specific effects of red light therapy treatments on increasing testosterone levels, a huge body of peer-reviewed research seems promising in the use of red light to boost the body's self-healing mechanisms. In conclusion, red light therapy is a promising way to increase testosterone naturally, safely and with virtually no side effects. Although there are currently no FDA-approved phototherapy devices to increase testosterone production, there are devices available online that don't need FDA clearance. Red light stimulates energy production in Leydig cells which helps naturally increase testosterone production and restore age-appropriate (or better) testosterone levels.