Can Red Light Therapy Cause Cancer?

Red light therapy is a non-toxic and non-invasive treatment that is considered safe for all skin types. It does not require the use of aggressive topical substances or heat that may irritate or burn the skin, and it does not use ultraviolet (UV) light, which is known to cause skin cancer.

Red light therapy

appears to be safe and is not associated with any side effects, at least when used short-term and as directed. This therapy is much less harsh than some topical skin treatments. Unlike UV light from the sun or tanning booths, RLT does not use this type of light.

There is no evidence that red light therapy causes cancer, but there could be a problem with this process of promoting, growing, and spreading existing tumors or cancer cells. Any treatment in which the patient is exposed to UV radiation is not completely risk-free. Potential risks of phototherapy include premature skin aging and an increased chance of developing skin cancer later in life. Eyestrain and temporary headaches caused by light are also commonly reported, although these symptoms do not seem to indicate any permanent injury. RLT is a completely natural process that exposes the skin to levels of light that are not harmful. With red light therapy, the patient is exposed to a lamp, device, or laser with red light.

A part of cells called mitochondria, sometimes referred to as “energy generators” of cells, absorbs it and produces more energy. Some experts believe that this helps cells repair and become healthier. This stimulates healing of the skin and muscle tissue. Although scientific proof cannot be based on a single study, there has been a lot of research that shows that red light therapy poses no risk to cancer patients. Current recommendations suggest that therapy should be carefully considered and used with caution in cancer patients, and that treatment should be avoided in areas with tumors. As more study results come out, red light therapy is quickly becoming an exciting treatment option for a variety of conditions.

While it is important for people to take care of their skin, some of their suspicions are unfounded and certain light therapies promise to be able to treat, not cause, skin conditions and other physical discomfort. A further explanation of why red light was beneficial between days 16 and 23 may be the stimulation of anti-tumor immunological activity or, perhaps, a local photodynamic effect as a result of red light activation of endogenous porphyrins present in tumors in areas of spontaneous hemorrhage and necrosis and around them. For example, blue light is more effective than red light at controlling symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), while red light seems more effective for certain cosmetic skin treatments. All of these and other conditions in which red light therapy is being tested affect millions of people around the world. The authors note that the effect was beneficial when people applied light at wavelengths of 665 nanometers (nm) and 808 nm. Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser light therapy (LLLT) or biostimulation (BIOS), is the name given to a wide range of therapies that use certain wavelengths of light to promote healing, improve skin tone and improve circulation. While many researchers are still hesitant to say definitively whether those ailments are improved by phototherapy, you can at least be sure that any attempt with the method will not exacerbate or create problems.

Some light therapies also use blue lights or full spectrum lights, but different wavelengths of light have different effects. This red light is natural and can penetrate deep into the skin, where cells can absorb and use it. Red light therapy is thought to act on the “power plant” of the body's cells, called mitochondria. This study documented the absence of strong positive or negative effects of LLLT on tumor growth in this model and the parameters of red light treatment. However, this is not what most people consider “red light therapy” since the drug does all the heavy lifting.